Happy Tamu Lhosar 2076

Tamu Lhasar 15th Poush 2076. (Happy Losar)
Tamu Lhasar is the great festival of the Gurung community. This festival is celebrated with fervor by the Gurung people from all over the world, including Nepal, India. Loser is the new year. In the literal sense of the Vote-Burmese languages, 'lo' or 'lho' means year and essence is new. In practice, the festivals celebrating the departure of the old year and the New Year's festivities are called losar or lhosar. Buddhism is celebrated by Buddhists, especially Sherpa, Hylmo, Gurung, Tamang and Tibetans living in the northern part of Nepal.

Tamu 'is another name for the Gurung tribe. In the Gurung language, 'lo' means 'losar', since the meaning of the square and 'essence' is to change the square. The Gurung are leaving the Pho (Deer) class this year and welcoming the Chew (Rat) class. Since the Gurung community celebrates Lhasar on the first day of the new year on the 15th Poush of every year, this day is called Tamu Lhasar. From Tamu Lhasar a new era of Gurung community begins.

Losar is currently celebrated one or two to three days ahead of schedule. From the previous evening, the New Year is welcomed, with 'Pooja, Banquet, Dancing,' saying 'New Year has arrived' at midnight. From dawn to dusk, relatives are greeted and exchanged greetings. The festival is celebrated with great fanfare by inviting kin and family.

On the day of Lhosar, the Gurung tribes enjoy their own costumes. Women are adorned with headbands, velvet blankets, knickers, gowns, sprinkles of earrings and fun, while men wear hats, crochets on bholes, and tie turtles and bandages. The Gurung community enjoys ghatu, sorthi, kauda dancing etc. During the night, the chief men return to the direction of the sun, bid farewell to the old year, and welcome the new year to the east, in the morning.


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